Selasa, 25 Mac 2014

~Now I am Different~

Dengan Lafaz Bismillah dan Salam Sejahtera,

If you regret some of the decisions you made in the past,
don't be so hard on yourself. At that time, you did your 
best with the experience that you had. Some of your decisions
might of been coping skills and a time when you didn't know 
what you know today. 

If you were to make those decisions with the wisdom 
you have now, you would choose differently. So give yourself 
a break and forgive yourself. Time and experience has
a wonderful way to make us realize that we prosper, grow and
 learn to make better choices today, for ourselves 
and those we care for.

This goes out to all of the people who have been broken but 
have been strong enough to let go. For the people who have 
hurt so badly that they felt they could never love again, but 
kept their head up. For the people that wish loneliness wasn't 
a part of them, but put up with it anyhow. 

For the people that are okay with taking up all of the room in 
the bed, even if sometimes it feels a little empty.
For the people who wake up in the morning with no missed calls, 
but smile anyway. For the people that have wounds still healing. 
For the people that have so much tied to their past relationship, 
but break those chains to start fresh. 

For the people that want to look back so badly, but focus 
on the road ahead. For the people that pick up the phone 
so tempted to call, but keep their dignity in tact instead. 
For the people that never wanted to let go, but had to. 
For the people that still believe in love even after all of 
the hurt their heart has endured. 

For all the people that gave up not because they were weak, 
but because most times it's better just to let go. 
You will get your happy ending someday. 
Hang in there and don't give up.

The truth is that there are a lot of people like you, us. 
With strange thoughts or dispositions or a past and we try to 
hide it because we're afraid that it makes us seem different. 
We think people won't accept us or it will turn people off, 
but that's a mistake. 

I found what makes us unique has brought every person 
I love into my life and the one's who walk away 
just don't belong and we're better off without them away. 
Be yourself and stick with the people who love 
what you're all about and your life 
will thank you in many ways.

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